Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Blog 22: Mentorship


  • Log of specific hours with a total and a description of your duties updated on the right hand side of your blog 
    • Done.
  • Contact Name and Mentorship Place
    • My mentor's name is Dr. Bela Szilagyi. He works as a research professor at Caltech in Pasadena.
What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
-    My experience at Caltech's Cahill Building for Astrophysics and Astronomy was the backbone of my entire senior project. At Caltech, I have been working with Dr. Szilagyi and his colleagues on using a computer algorithm to do black hole collision simulations. The most important thing that I have gained from this endeavor is how scientists work together socially.

     Working with my mentor Dr. Szilagyi and other scientists have made me realize the amount of hard work and persistence needed in such an inclusive field. I learned how scientists collaborate with one another and the importance of teamwork. Without teamwork, the data that one scientists sends to another may be misplaced or will interfere with the schedule. Just as NASA scientists work to create a rocket, at Caltech, the final product (here the black hole simulation) would not work without proper communication and transmission. Regardless of whether I become a scientist in the future, this journey has taught me so much that I will definitely not forget.

How has what you've done helped you to answer your EQ? Please explain.
-    Working with Dr. Szilagyi on the black hole simulations has allowed me to understand how gravitational waves work. Because of the simulations, we are able to see the interference patterns that the black holes would create. Because of the interference, Dr. Szilagyi and the other scientists introduced me to the various means of detection. 

      A great thing that happened at my mentorship that had a direct connection to my EQ was the fact that Caltech collaborated with LIGO scientists. As I have explained throughout the year, LIGO is a huge interferometer that has locations in Washington State and Louisiana and tries to detect gravitational waves. This is a boon to me because interferomtery is my 1st answer and is also my best answer.

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