1.) I viewed these
presentations in the following order:
Alejandro Espinoza - Teaching Biology
Krystal Lam - Editorial Publishing
Analysa Gallegos - Criminology
Carlos Cerrillos - Information Technology
Patrick Montoya - Video Game Graphic Design
Brian Cabantug- Software Development
Nisa Legaspino - Public Defender
Vanessa Machuca - Microbiology
Angel Arredondo - Angioplasty
Regina Ongowarsito - Music Store Operation
Christine Navarro - Biochemistry (Biofuels)
Lara McConnaughey - Linguistics
Juan Munoz - Business (Corporate Leadership)
Allyana Salud - Nursing
Cheyenne Capener - Organic Architecture
Felicia Stears - Marine Biology
2.) Some unanswered questions I have about the Senior Project include:
- What is the Individual Component?
- Why is the Essential Question limited/recommended to have only three answers? Can you have more?
- Does the topic that one chooses play a role in the grading process? Will more complicated topics have more weight?
- Will the workload for Senior Project be evenly spaced? Will some weeks have more work than others? How must one pace oneself?
- Why is above 90% not considered an AE in senior project?
- Will senior project work pile over normal course work?
4.) A potential topic for my Senior Project is
neurophysics. I have always enjoyed studying the brain and particularly the
connections between neuron synapses. I am familiar with this area of study
since I have participated in several “brain bee” competitions. Another topic in
science that I enjoy is physics, specifically quantum mechanics. I am
considering combining these subjects together into one study (neurophysics) so
that I would not only enjoy my topic, but also be knowledgeable about them.
5.) I have found a research opportunity by one of my
father’s colleagues, who is an expert on the neurophysics field and may be
interested in me for an internship. I have met several scientists who may be
also interested in me working at their labs. If not, I will apply to several
other labs at nearby institutions for help.